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8 study techniques of TOP STUDENTS

Studying is more than just passing exams and improving grades; it's about learning and understanding concepts and information. However, a lot of students view it as a burden. Who can blame them when they have to read thick textbooks every time? Studying definitely requires a lot of hard work. If you want to achieve more, you have to study more. Time management and organization skill are needed here. If you want to know the smart study techniques of top students ,here is the place……… 1. consistency is the key of success . If we want to get succeed in any work ,the first thing we have to do is to start that work and get stick to it...... 2. COLOR THE CODE  Whatever you have to study will definitely prepare one notes on your convenience......... This will help you remember easily and remember quickly in a smart way..!!!!!! 3. RECORD YOURSELF..... Our sub-conscious mind can listen what we say to it regularly..... Hearing our own voice by ...

Top 10 free and best educational podcasts for kids

TOP 10  FREE & BEST EDUCATIONAL     POD CASTS FOR KIDS Now a days podcast are hosting a wonderful source for information all over the globe. Podcast are the wonderful place to explore our interests,to inculcate new habits for productive life, and to become skillful. It also provides a great chance to express our views and experiences to magical world by giving a chance to an introvert  in us.. So what are you waiting for??? Here are the TOP 10 BEST EDUCATIONAL POD CASTS FOR KIDS.. Make use of these to teach your child daily something new and adventurous... Let's start!!!!! 1. Tumble A SCIENCE PODCAST FOR KIDS / Tumble is a science podcast for kids, to be enjoyed by the entire family. They tell stories about science discoveries, with the help pf scientists! Join Lindsay and Marshall as they ask questions,share mysteries, and share what science is all about. An episode for you: https://podcas...


5 TAKE KILLER NOTES FROM A TEXTBOOK IN A RIGHT WAY HIGHLIGHTING OUTLINE NOTES ANNOTATING SMALL DOODLES SKIMMING REFERENCE DIAGRAMS FLASH CARDS CORNELL METHOD MIND MAPPING DON'T JUST COPY FROM TEXTBOOK TAKE NOTES CONCEPT WISE USE MNEMONICS USE YOUR TALENT  MAKE STUDYING FUN TABLE OF CONTENT FLAG IMPORTANT TOPICS 1. DON'T JUST COPY YOUR TEXTBOOK While taking notes from your textbook ,don't just overwrite the textbook.. Focus on bold letters highlight the important words Link the topics 2. ANNOTATE YOUR TOPIC First complete one reading about the topic..and then summarize key notes by annotating with concept related doodles...... Breakdown the chapters logically... 3. CORNELL NOTE TAKING METHOD One of the scientifically proven note taking methods. It improves analytical thinking in students, and also improves different strategies ,helps the learner to ask questions and motivates the learner to think out of the box..faster !! ...