Studying is more than just passing exams and improving grades; it's about learning and understanding concepts and information. However, a lot of students view it as a burden. Who can blame them when they have to read thick textbooks every time? Studying definitely requires a lot of hard work. If you want to achieve more, you have to study more. Time management and organization skill are needed here. If you want to know the smart study techniques of top students ,here is the place……… 1. consistency is the key of success . If we want to get succeed in any work ,the first thing we have to do is to start that work and get stick to it...... 2. COLOR THE CODE Whatever you have to study will definitely prepare one notes on your convenience......... This will help you remember easily and remember quickly in a smart way..!!!!!! 3. RECORD YOURSELF..... Our sub-conscious mind can listen what we say to it regularly..... Hearing our own voice by ...
This is a blog on study tips and tricks which may be useful to high school students, graduation students and also University students.....
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